Saturday, August 30, 2008

First Two Days or Something


Rundown of my first day:

-- 12 hour plane ride
-- 1.5 hour bus ride into Tokyo
-- 30 minute Taxi ride with a good-hearted driver to our residence

Allll in the pouring rain. Tokyo is HUGE.

The weather is really really hot and humid and it has rained a lot thus far.

We had a brief meeting with our dorm manager ( aka an RA ) and then I went to bed basically.

Day two, a Friday, I managed to oversleep but then from 8 a.m. to 5:00 we had orientation. And just like every other orientation, I was bored. Campus is just a miniature version of Temple's main campus but it seems like it will be very hard to get to campus at first.

After the tour, I was still jet lagged but I managed to shower and head out into town. Our neighborhood is really awesome. Immediately surrounding our building is a tiny little residential area, and then two blocks or so is basically a big downtown area that's popular with High School and college students so that equals fun and cheap places to eat.

We stopped at Seiyu, Japan's Wal-Mart that is actually owned by Wal-Mart, and then it started to downpour so we huddled outside of a restaurant for awhile deciding what to do. And bam! A funny restaurant owner gave us two umbrellas, saving us 300 to 500 yen depending.

Side note: Clear umbrellas are all the rage with everyone from little girls, hip teens, and old businessmen.

Hannah and I also attempted our first restaurant experience. It wasn't too bad. There were pictures of everything. Our beers were equal to the cost of food, but hey, it was our first night in out sooo live it up.

After that, it was still pouring so we headed home. Now it's Saturday and we'll probably go out and about soon-ish!

The internet sucks or else I'd be updating constantly.


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