Sunday, August 31, 2008

Land of the Setting Sunday

Tomorrow classes begin already! Booo. That means while you kids are enjoying your Sunday, you I will be in class and you won't even have to worry about your classes til Tuesday!

Anyways, Hannah and I had a busy last day of summer.

I started my morning with a banana and a rice cake wrapped in nori. Iced coffee is EXTREMELY popular over here. Since it's also extremely cheap compared to hot coffee, I just microwave the iced. Not as delicious, but it will suffice (for now).

Cat hangin' out on my porch with me.

After breakfast, I walked around town while Hannah was getting ready. When we were about to head out for the day, we ran into the other TUJ students and they were going to a park in downtown Shinjuku so we tagged along.

Walking near Shinjuku Station (largest in the world I think?).

The park was massive and had zany trees.

And these weird things that looked like hands.
Jurassic Park bunker.

Traditional Japanese garden.

Crows are gigantic and do not care how close you get to them. I thought that one was going to eat Hanners for sure.

Snack time!!!

So many (disgusting) turtles.

These next two photos do not do justice to the sheer immensity of this park. These trees were so tall.

I had udon noodles and Hannah had hers with tofu.

So good (apart from standing).


We decided to eat at the restaurant that gave us our umbrellas the other night. They were again helpful because we didn't notice the "vending" machine in the front of the building. Basically, you put your money in this machine, pick what you want, and then you give your ticket to the people behind the counter and they make it. So fun!

Well like I said, tomorrow is my first day of classes. Boooo.

1 comment:

Josh said...

i guarantee you will find a severed arm in that bunker.

ps: i love those things that look like hands. creeeeeeeeepy